Offset Printing Process.
The offset printing process has been around for many years, and almost every professional printer will offer this process. Offset has been used since the 1800s, and it does not involve the traditional method of applying ink directly to the surface that needs to be printed.
Today the offset printing process is one of the most common methods that is available today. It is so popular because it is cost effective and has so many advantages. No matter what you are printing this process can almost always be used to ensure a fast printing job and exquisite quality results.
Where to get this service.
You should always choose a professional printer who is large enough to handle bulk orders if you are interested in using offset. Some very small printing shops may not have the budget available to cover offset equipment or to offer special techniques and options.
Offset printing equipment can output thousands of sheets per hour.
Mitsubishi, Halm Industries and Heidelberg manufacture other well-known offset printing equipment.
Ink is Not Placed Directly on the Paper
During the offset printing process, the ink is not placed directly on the paper. Because of this, a consistently high quality can be achieved over the entire length of the printing run. There are no smearing or other quality issues caused by the inks being placed directly onto the paper stock, so the finished result is more attractive and appealing.