1. Business Cards
You might ask yourself. What is screen printing? For us, screen printing is undoubtedly an art form .The attention to detail that goes into the screen printing process is crucial, and because we understand the importance of that, we know how to deliver superior screen printed products.
Screen printing is an extremely affordable method of printing and hence very popular. However, often because it is so economical people associate the low cost with low quality. That is not necessarily true. Screen printing can give fantastic results. However, it is important to go to a screen printing expert who knows what he is doing. Here are some tips for screen printing that you can use on DIY projects. These tips will also come handy when you need to evaluate potential screen printers for your screen printing needs.
Tips to Improve Screen Printing Quality
The process of screen printing using mesh stencils made with photosensitive chemical emulsions are explained below, with helpful tips for each step to enable any artist (whether novice or expert) to achieve success in screen printing.
1. What is my main goal? Do you want to tell a story? Do you want it to represent your brand? Do you want it to start conversations? Design for something.
In every business, a customer comes first. At Kwik Computing, The Customer is always given top priority. In order to grow your brand and keep up with your customers, it’s important to focus on these 3 specific areas. Here's how selection, quality & experience will impact your customers and what you can do to stay ahead.
1. More designs, more often.
T-shirt design is becoming one of the most popular outlets for creatives. Whether you're an illustrator, graphic designer or typographer, the thought of having your design on a T-shirt is a pretty cool concept.
However, the process can be a daunting thought. Thankfully, Mike Ng of SOYU T-shirt designs has taken time out of his busy scheduele to bring you 10 pro tips for T-shirt design.
01. Take your time and explore your concept
An abstract message. A creative way to express the message of the company without using a logo. Using logos are cool if they’re a part of the overall design that include other elements, but they shouldn’t be the main focus. Simple designs resonate with me more, but a cool graphic is fun if it’s done well or by a really awesome designer.
Starting a clothing line may seem like a daunting task to some. But it doesn't have to be! If you are considering the right things, you can set yourself up for success and avoid any headaches in the future.
Who and what are you designing for?
While screen printing is often placed in the “arts and crafts” category, it relies on very defined processes to be successful. In order for YOU to be successful, you have to embrace these processes and make them a part of your business.