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Printer Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Machine in an Excellent Working Condition.

Consider how often you and your staff use your office printer? It’s easy to take your printer for granted when it’s working perfectly. However, if it’s “misbehaving” and frustrating you with paper jams, blurred copies, and other issues, that’s when you realize how much you rely on it day in and day out.

Stickers VS Labels: The Real Difference between Labels and Stickers

Labels and stickers may seem similar but there are multiple differences that make each of them unique and suitable for different situations. Here are some of the key differences, followed by what to keep in mind when using each of these important items.


Size is one of the major differences between labels and stickers. Stickers are typically larger and thicker than labels. Labels tend to be thinner and smaller than stickers as they are used in a different way.


Why is Branding Important in Business?

Branding is essential for businesses of all types and sizes, for several reasons.  Three of the most important reasons involve your credibility, competition, and brand loyalty.

How Can Large Format Printing Help Promote My Business

One of the most popular ways to promote a business is through signs and banners created using state of the art printing techniques. Large format printing refers to print materials that are too large to be  printed on readily available sizes of commercial printing presses.

Ten Tips on How to Successfully Implement Branding for your Business

Many small business owners I talk to already understand that branding is essential to their business, but a surprisingly high number of them don't really know why.

How to manage a huge client - Advice for keeping complex, multinational projects running like clockwork.
01. Embracing bulk file sharing services, 02. Use Time Differences to Your advantage, 03. Multi-tasking, 04. Build relationships – and not just with the bosses
4 Reasons Why You Need The Right Printery
Quick turnaround on Print Jobs, Guaranteed Print Quality, Top-notch Finish on Print Jobs & Guaranteed Quality Control. Think Kwik, Print With Kwik Computing.
Some Of The Best New Portfolio Websites

Hugo Brook

Hugo Brook’s portfolio doesn’t bother with imagery, and for good reason. Hugo is primarily a developer. The emphasis is placed on describing the tools he uses, and linking to live site’s that he’s worked on.

The monospaced typographical approach fits the theme, and the vertical navigation is an interesting touch.

10 Tips To Help You Build A Successful Small Business Brand

A brand is the sum total of the experiences your customers and potential customers have with your company. A strong brand communicates what your company does, how it does it, and at the same time, establishes trust and credibility. Your brand lives in everyday interactions with your customers, the images you share, the messages you post on your website, the content of your marketing materials, and in your posts on social networks.

How can a small business develop a strong brand on a tiny budget? Here are 10 tips to help you get started:

Here are 20 Things To Do On World Computer Security Day

Here are 20 Things To Do On World Computer Security Day

1. Change your password

2. Check for computer viruses

3. Update your anti-virus/anti-malware

4. Update your Windows (or other OS)

5. Clean your computer and the immediate area

6. Back-up your data (after being certain that it is virus free)

7. Delete unneeded files and apps (and facebook ‘friends’ that you don’t remember seeing in the last 5 years!)

8. Update all your installed and relevant software such ad adobe reader

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